
Friday, September 25, 2020

History Anne Frank

 Hi bloggers Charlotte here,

Have you ever heard of a girl called Anne Frank well if you do you don't I have made a site on her  just click here oh my gosh can you believe that she died at 15 years old so young,I have not finished this site yet but I think it has some pretty cool information.

So if you were the one that said that you do not know who Anne Frank was I hope I answered your question. Do you like Anne Frank?

Blogg you later


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My shared learning

 Hi bloggers it's me Charlotte 

I am having my celebration assembly and i have made this site click here this is the link

hope you liked it blog you later bye

Friday, September 11, 2020

Hi bloggers,
Charlotte here 
my blog will teach and show you what a stonehenge is 
hope you like it.

So have you learnt anything? because I really hope you have my reading group is still
trying to figure out how the stones got there and what was their purpose
Have you ever heard of stonehenges?
Hope you learned something cool.

Blogg you later bye